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GenX Hits Menopause, E1: Reason for Being

GenX Hits Menopause, E1: Reason for Being

Heather Heather
3 minute read

We're super excited to announce the premiere of our new podcast, GenX Hits Menopause, this month on Apple and Spotify.

Special thanks to Adam Torres, who interviewed Heather last summer on his "Mission Matters" podcast ~ and then invited her to host her own show!

Reason for Being

In our very first episode, Heather introduces herself as founder of Rockstar Blends and her husband John as her wingman on the inaugural episode of 'GenX Hits Menopause'. Together they discuss how the podcast came to be through Mission Matters, the origin story and mission of Rockstar Blends, and the kinds of guests and discussions listeners can expect in future episodes. 

Episode Highlights

Having a family of doctors...
"I was very fortunate to experience traditional medicines at a young age and just being naturally drawn to that. And then having a family of doctors who have all of my respect and more, and I used to love to watch my dad's videos of surgery. Back in the day, he would video his surgeries, and then he'd rewatch them before computers and so forth because that's how he'd learn, and I'd watch them. And I find all this fascinating. So when I was presented with the notion Oh, guess what? You have a big fat tumor. You have a baby, and you've got a lot of stuff you got to decide here." - Heather
All these symptoms that last for years...
"We all navigate the American health care system because that's the only place where we can get authoritative, apparently authoritative medical care. So when that medical care offers women two options for what they deal with, as they go through this whole cycle of menopause, pre-menopausal, menopausal, post-menopausal, all these symptoms that last for years, this whole situation of change that's part of every woman's life. Modern medicine offers what?" - John
So that our intuition comes forward...
"I have a true reverence for the medical community, and I think that we all really need, at the end of the day, to empower ourselves and realize that we can listen to ourselves, we can gain the knowledge that we need by talking to each other and sharing so that our intuition comes forward and says, Hey, you do need to get to an ER right now. Do not pass go. Or, you know what? You probably need some more water and more sleep. And the whole range of in between." - Heather


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