The Blog

Winterdelic in St. Petersburg was a blast!

Winterdelic in St. Petersburg was a blast!

Heather Heather
1 minute read

As we look ahead to the next Cannadelic summer event in St. Petersburg, we were talking about Winterdelic last December and realized we never posted anything to the blog about it 🤕
Suffice to say, it was another great event. We picked some of the better pictures to post here for the record. We really love The Factory and will miss that venue this time. This year is a different space and different team and we're speaking again, so we're just as excited as ever and hope to see you there.

Rockstar Blends

Rockstar Woman

Rockstar Woman


Topical intimate oil blend nourishes our endocannabinoid system to help us help us balance swings of libido & mood, soothe dryness and irritation, manage cyclical...… read more

Rockstar Man

Rockstar Man


An intimate oil blend formulated just for men. Activate your endocannabinoid system to support hormone production and balance, reduce inflammation and enhance relaxation to amplify...… read more

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